Shadwell Liveable Streets Consultation

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Added by Alex Jenkins

The Liveable Streets Shadwell proposal aims to improve the look and feel of the Shadwell area whilst making it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot and bike.

Overview map of proposals in Shadwell. Please click on the image to download a larger copy.

These proposals have been developed on feedback based on residents, businesses and the local community and aim to benefit all road users. This is achieved by improving accessibility to walking and cycling for all so that those with disabilities, people of all ages, cultures and genders can feel safe. Additionally, the reduction in through traffic in the area will improve the safety and air quality for all.

Our proposals include:

  • School Street on Bigland Street to improve road safety for students and families.
  • Creating more space for pedestrians to improve access on Watney Street.
  • Enhancing the neighbourhood with improved accessibility, lighting, planting, public art, and traffic calming measures.
  • Reducing cut-through traffic in the area during morning peak periods.
  • Improving the pavements on Cannon Street Road for pedestrians.

What is being proposed?

Five schemes have been developed to improve walking and cycling, create better public spaces, discourage through-traffic and improve air quality (click on each scheme to view details):


September 5th, 2021


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