Arlington Road Area Low Traffic Neighbourhood

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Added by Jean Dollimore

A set of temporary measures was implemented in September 2020 with a view to reducing through traffic in Arlington Road and the surrounding streets. Further measures were added later to make the scheme more effective.

Camden reports the following changes in the local area:

- a 15% increase in cycle volumes

- 43% decrease in motor traffic

- 15% decrease in traffic-related collisions

Camden is consulting on making all of these measures permanent with the following enhancements:

Jamestown Road: restriction on eastbound motor vehicles. Replace the planter with a traffic island

Inverness Street: no access for motor vehicles to Arlington Road. Replace the planters with traffic islands and widen the footway outside Cavendish School. NOTE: At our meeting on Monday’ 15th Nov, it was suggested we should ask for a School Street for Cavendish School.

Buck Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles from Kentish Town Road

Arlington Road (south of junction of Delancey Street):  restriction on northbound motor vehicles. Add a traffic island and greening, raise carriageway. 

Mornington Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles  at the junction with Albert Street

Albert Street: no way in and out for motor vehicles at the junction with Mornington Place.  Replace planters with removable bollards

Mornington Place: no way in and out for motor vehicles at the junction with Clarkson Row/Mornington Terrace. Replace planters with removable bollards. New tree and planting on Mornington Street. New Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) on Clarkson Row

New junction designs and other changes

Delancey Street @ Albert Street - remove the right turn lane (from Albert Street) and build out the footway. NOTE: the original Delancey-Pratt scheme indicated the entry to a new contraflow cycle here. We should aim to keep that.

Delancey Street @Arlington Road  Raise the junction.

Parkway Cycle Hire Station: move to the southern corner of Albert Street.

Parkway junction with Arlington Road: lengthen the feeder lane on Parkway. NOTE (as suggested at our meeting on 15th) this cycle lane should extend over the space occupied by the cycle hire station.

Parkway junction with Albert Street: double yellow lines

Parkway junction with Arlington Road: widen eastern footway to north of junction and remove two parking spaces.


December 3rd, 2021 16:00


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