Things tagged 'road-safety'

limited to the area of Portsmouth Cycle Forum:

2 issues found for 'road-safety':

  • Cromwell / Highland / Milton / Henderson Rd RBT - LTP3 2017/18

    Ian S // 1 thread

    Cromwell Rd/Henderson Rd Roundabout has previously experienced a high level of cycle casualties.

    This scheme is designed to build-out existing kerb lines and central island to create deflection, reducing approach speeds and segregate the bus lane.

    Surfacing and lining could also be utilised to highlight to drivers the likelihood of cyclists on the roundabout, and consideration will be given to the implementation of a segregated cycle lane.

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  • Viewpoint Car Park Junction - LTP3 2017/18

    Ian S // 1 thread

    The recent 3 year period 01/07/13 to 30/06/16 shows 12 total (1 fatal and 6 serious) collisions, 6 of which were motorcycle collisions.

    This scheme aims to improve the visibility of the entrance to the Viewpoint Car Park along Portsdown Hill Road to approaching motorists.

    This will be achieved by improving the existing signage, implementing coloured surfacing to highlight the approaching junction and installing countdown markers/rumble strips on each of the approaches to the entrance to advise road users of the potential conflicting traffic manoeuvres within the vicinity.

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No planning applications found for 'road-safety'.

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